Who is who in the event organization team?
The DBT has been held under the responsibility of BIO Deutschland since 2010 and is our largest industry event. Our team starts with the concrete planning almost 9 months before an event. Here we explain who is responsible for what and who you can contact if you have any questions, problems or requests for cooperation.

Claudia is the DBT project manager. She coordinates the event planning with our partner, the BioRegions working group, and the regional hosts. She takes care of the planning and design of the program and is the right contact person when it comes to questions about the agenda or media partner inquiries
Matthias is responsible for marketing the event. He is the right person to contact when it comes to designing individual sponsorship packages, individual collaborations, questions about the exhibition or ticketing.

Ken is our all-purpose weapon. He takes care of all supporting administrative activities, be it sponsorship contracts, catering, seating plans or speaker correspondence. Anyone with food intolerances can contact him, as can anyone with questions about travel or accommodation.
Nils has been with BIO Deutschland for some time but only recently joined the DBT team. He is primarily responsible for the planning and implementation of our new partnering concept. If you have any questions, problems with your account* or other technical questions, please feel free to contact him. Nils also provides interested investors with a special registration link.

If you are still not sure who is the best contact person for your question: everyone from the DBT looks forward to hearing from you; we will route the questions internally to the right contact. You are welcome to get in touch with us!
*Accounts will be set up 4 weeks before the conference, so no need to worry before March 2025
Veröffentlicht: 14.01.2025